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Stop Sugar Cravings – 3 Steps Proven to Work

Are your sugar cravings out of control? It's not just you. Research shows that sugar addiction is a real phenomenon. Fortunately, there's something you can do about it with these three  strategies, proven to help stop those sugar cravings for good.

Are You in Good Metabolic Health? (Only 12% Are)

Why are such a low % of Americans considered "metabolically" healthy? A culture of fast food, overeating, low activity levels and poor sleep has created a national epidemic. Fortunately, once you identify what bad habits are negatively impacting your health, you can take action to fix the issues.

Alzheimer’s: Is Blood Flow the #1 Predictor?

Alzheimer’s is a degenerative brain disease that causes cognitive impairment, personality changes and memory loss. Research is now strongly indicating that low blood flow may be the number one predictor of Alzheimer’s.

4 Reasons Why a Gluten-Free Diet Might Be Exactly What You Need

For many years, the mainstream view of a gluten-free diet remained black or white: It’s a must if you have celiac disease and if you don’t, there’s no need to avoid gluten. After 10 years of helping people eat gluten-free, we know that the positive benefits can be life changing …

Want Laser Focus? Optimize Your Morning Routine

If you want to be more decisive, motivated, and effective in everything you do each day, you need to cultivate a morning routine that will boost your BDNF. Fortunately, you can start implementing several proven strategies today to do just that.

How to Break Through a Dieting Plateau with Metabolic Confusion

If you notice yourself burning out from a monotonous diet and exercise plan, or even if you just want to have room to eat more calories every few days, cycling the number of calories you eat on a day throughout your week might help. This approach can prevent your metabolism …

Challenge Accepted: 3 Real People Try 3 Meal Prep Delivery Services

Here at Metabolic Meals, we love a little healthy competition — we’re all about health, after all. We wanted to better understand how well our service compares to two other meal prep delivery services: Trifecta and Freshly. To do that, we reached out to some real users to find out …

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