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Always Healthy & Delicious + A New Partnership

At Metabolic Meals we focus on the basic building blocks of nutrition – a healthy balance of macro nutrients where quality protein is king, flavor reigns queen, and variety is in the court.   What That Looks Like On The Plate CALORIE RANGE. A healthy...

The Kitchen Mom of Metabolic Meals

Chances are, we’ve all encountered one of those people that make you feel instantly comfortable. Their presence is warm and light, they hold space for whatever is on your mind, supportive listening is clearly one of their superpowers and you always walk away...

Metabolic Currency

As we age, it's common for our metabolism to slow down and muscle mass to decrease. This can lead to weight gain and a host of other health issues. However, it's not inevitable that our metabolism must decline as we get older. We can use many strategies to maintain...

Women with Low Energy: Causes & Five Foods to Consider 

Women often experience a decline in energy levels as they age. A variety of reasons have been identified. Some common causes of low energy in mid-age women include hormonal changes and nutrient deficiencies, as well as lifestyle factors such as poor diet, lack...

How to Talk Yourself Out of Take-Out

“I’m so hungry!  I just need to finish this errand and then I can hit the drive-thru and—no. No!  It’s fast.  It’s easy.  It’s terrible.  Terrible quality, terrible ingredients—I promised myself I’d toss the takeout and start eating...

How to Make Healthy Eating Part of Your Workday

If you work in an office, you’re likely to experience stress that can impact your appetite. Stress triggers the release of adrenaline and cortisol that can ramp up your appetite or kill it altogether. The effects of stress combined with temptations like happy hours and potlucks can make or break …

Meal Timing: Is Intermittent Fasting the Best Strategy?

In recent years, intermittent fasting has become a mainstream option for individuals trying to lose weight or improve their overall health. Intermittent fasting often means skipping the typical time for breakfast, pushing the “break fast” meal until noon or later. So, what’s the deal? Is it better to eat breakfast …

Does Sugar Weaken Your Immune System?

The bottom line: Yes, sugar intake weakens the immune response and impacts your overall health through a complex interplay of hormonal, metabolic, and immunologic processes.

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