The Big 3: Toxicity

The Big 3: Toxicity

The world we live in is a more toxic place than ever before. In fact, over 80,000 toxins can be found that did not exist before 1960. Many experts feel that specific toxins can be blamed for many “new” medical conditions such as cancer, metabolic syndrome and ADD/ADHD...
The Big 3: Stress

The Big 3: Stress

Many functional medical practitioners agree that the THREE main causes of obesity: Stress, Malnutrition and Toxicity.  Each one of these factors is worthy of an article of its own.  This will be a 3 part series with quick tips on how to manage each issue and...
7 Fat Loss Tips for Women

7 Fat Loss Tips for Women

7 Fat Loss Tips For Women: Get 50g of protein in before noon – this boosts neurotransmitters and sets you up to eat better the rest of the day Eliminate gluten – only get your carbs from low gi fruits, vegetables and brown rice Stay off of the treadmill – strength...
7 Fat and Weight Loss Tips for Men

7 Fat and Weight Loss Tips for Men

1) Get your Zinc Levels Tested – I do this with most of my clients, especially males. If yourzinc levels are low, you are not maximizing your testosterone. In fact, you may be aromatizing (converting it into estrogen). For gains in muscle mass, increased exercise...

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