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10 Foods for Healthy Lungs

Focusing on an anti-inflammatory diet through a variety of nutrient dense foods has numerous health benefits - including improving your breathing conditions. And even the right mix of nutrients can help you breathe easier.

Meal in container and human graphic highlighting lungs.

Can the Keto Diet Help You Fight Coronavirus?

With the whole world fighting the affects of COVID-19, many are turning to nutrition as their solution. Is there some hope with the Keto Diet? The reality is much bigger than that and involves improving your Metabolic Health versus traditional "Immune Boosting."

2 packs of protein and sides, and virus graphic

7 Metabolic Exercises to Improve Your Metabolism Over Age 50

As we get older, resting metabolic rate (RMR) tends to decrease. This means we are burning fewer calories at rest than we did at a younger age. Decreased activity levels also leads to decreased strength and muscle mass and fat gain (especially in the midsection). The good news: it doesn’t …

Middle aged man doing push-ups.

How to Fine-Tune Your Circadian Rhythm With Food and Sleep

Your circadian rhythm is made up of several physical, mental, and behavioral changes that recur naturally on a 24-hour cycle. Every cell in your body follows this rhythm, as it dictates when they’re most metabolically active, when they produce hormones, and when they repair themselves.

Finding A New Normal: How Andy and His Family Stay Healthy In Uncertain Times

More frequently, families across the US are starting to see a new daily “normal” take shape. During this new, globally accepted normal, there’s one constant that must remain: we must be vigilant in keeping ourselves and our families healthy. In this difficult situation, it’s more important than ever to maintain …

Two meals and two photos of Andy and his family.

Cysteine: The Lung Protecting Nutrient That People Aren’t Talking About

As the numbers of Coronavirus cases continue to climb each day, a serious effort is underway to avoid overwhelming the healthcare system. Traditional “immune nutrients” such as Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Zinc have been talked about at length, but a lesser known amino acid powerhouse also exists that has …

Body and disease molecules. Illustration.

10 Foods for Healthy Mitochondria

Mitochondria have earned their position as the "powerhouses" of our cells. The energy mitochondria produce is involved in some of the most important biologic processes in our bodies. Being responsible for most of your body’s functions, your mitochondria have an enormous impact on your health and longevity, specifically as protectors …

Grass Fed Steak with Bacon Dressed Spinach and Roasted Vegetables Meal

A Beginner’s Guide to Heart Rate Variability (HRV)

Tracking Heart Rate Variability (HRV) over time can be a useful tool in identifying imbalances in our autonomic nervous system (ANS), which regulates many aspects of our biology including all aspects of our cardiovascular system like blood pressure, heart rate, etc.

Frequently Asked Questions about Heart Rate Variability

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