
Calories, Thermodynamics, & Your Goals

Nutrition plays a pivotal role in our overall health and well-being. Understanding the principles of thermodynamics can provide valuable insights into how our body weight is influenced by the food we consume. This article will explore the fundamental concepts of...

The Sodium Story

What is sodium?   Sodium is an essential mineral that plays a vital role in maintaining proper bodily functions. It’s naturally found in many foods like table salt, cheese, cured meats and some baked goods. Sodium is also found not-so-naturally in...

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Eating to Build Muscle and Lose Body Fat with Eric Humes

I put my focus on protein because my goal is to gain or maintain as much muscle as possible while dropping bodyfat and weight. To accomplish this, I don’t eat typical breakfast foods like cereal, juice, etc. Instead, I always start my day with a piece of...

Eating for Strength, Power and the Love of Food With Arianna Luther

As a Strength/Power Athlete, I don’t track exact grams, but typically stay within the 40% Carb, 35% Protein, 25% Fat macronutrient range. I eat this way because it’s what I enjoy. My philosophy is simple: we have the power to choose foods we love and base our meal...

A Day of Functional Fueling® with Lauren Papanos

I named my nutrition practice "Functional Fueling®" because this represents the functional properties of foods within a functional approach to healthcare. As a functional medicine registered dietitian, I’m passionate about helping people reclaim their health so...

Nutrient Timing and Food Rotation for Blood Sugar Regulation

Being a full-time chiropractic student and business owner gives me very little room for error when it comes to time management for my own meals.  I am a huge believer that as a coach and future healthcare practitioner we need to practice what we preach and...

How To Carb Backload with Metabolic Meals

Carb backloading raises your metabolism and helps you sleep better. By consuming a measured amount of carbs later in the day, the added glycogen can lower cortisol, ramp up your metabolic rate and help you sleep deeper. Carb backloading also gives you many of the...

10 Foods for Healthy Mitochondria

Mitochondria have earned their position as the "powerhouses" of our cells. The energy mitochondria produce is involved in some of the most important biologic processes in our bodies. Being responsible for most of your body’s functions, your mitochondria have an enormous impact on your health and longevity, specifically as protectors …

Grass Fed Steak with Bacon Dressed Spinach and Roasted Vegetables Meal

Diets That Work Have 3 Things in Common

What if I told you that you could learn enough within one week to take full control of your health and maintain a healthy weight from here on out? Diet success can be as simple as learning these three foundational truths of nutrition.

4 Reasons Why a Gluten-Free Diet Might Be Exactly What You Need

For many years, the mainstream view of a gluten-free diet remained black or white: It’s a must if you have celiac disease and if you don’t, there’s no need to avoid gluten. After 10 years of helping people eat gluten-free, we know that the positive benefits can be life changing …

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