
Calories, Thermodynamics, & Your Goals

Nutrition plays a pivotal role in our overall health and well-being. Understanding the principles of thermodynamics can provide valuable insights into how our body weight is influenced by the food we consume. This article will explore the fundamental concepts of...

The Sodium Story

What is sodium?   Sodium is an essential mineral that plays a vital role in maintaining proper bodily functions. It’s naturally found in many foods like table salt, cheese, cured meats and some baked goods. Sodium is also found not-so-naturally in...

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Carbs: Essential, Evil, or Cyclical?

Carbohydrates are typically classified as good or bad, but those labels are misleading. Carbs are neither inherently good nor bad; they’re not essential, but they don’t harm your body by themselves. That being said, some carbs are of a much higher quality than...

Fitness Goals: Don’t Make These 5 Mistakes

Losing body fat can be a difficult task. Unfortunately, clean eating and regular exercise can sometimes be viewed as antisocial activities by friends and family who don’t practice healthy lifestyles. It’s not uncommon to be pressured into skipping a workout or...

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