5 Expert Cardio Routines – No Treadmill Required

5 Expert Cardio Routines – No Treadmill Required

Cardiovascular exercise is important for strengthening our hearts, lungs, and circulatory function — but despite cardio’s benefits, many people don’t enjoy it. If you’re one of those people, break away from the treadmill and consider your options. In this blog, five fitness experts share their favorite ways to get cardio in without setting foot on a treadmill.

Blueberry Chickpea Pancakes

Blueberry Chickpea Pancakes

Have your cakes and protein, too, because these pancakes are the ultimate nutritional foundation. Whether you’re competing in a triathlon or running with friends, these pancakes offer an endurance-focused 4:1 ratio of carbs to protein to fuel your body. Chickpea flour...
How to Help a Leaky Gut Through Diet

How to Help a Leaky Gut Through Diet

Your intestines make up about 4,000 square feet of surface area, all of which helps contain and control what you absorb into your bloodstream. If any part of your intestinal lining is compromised, then so is its ability to prevent you from absorbing toxins and other...

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