Finding Balance: Jamie’s Journey to A Healthy, Sustainable Lifestyle

by Metabolic Meals

by Metabolic Meals

Updated Dec 18, 2023

Reading Time: 3 min


“How far is it from my car to the building? Can I make it?”

“Are there chairs I can fit in at this school event?”

“Why do you look different than the other mommies?”

For Jamie, these were questions she answered regularly. Work, stress, and life’s busyness – it all caught up and compounded into a substantial weight gain, leaving Jamie close to 400 pounds and living dangerously unhealthy. And – when you’re staring down a 200+ pound life or death weight loss, it just seems impossible.

But it wasn’t until her son asked one question that she truly understood the additional changes she needed to make. “One day my oldest son looked at me and said ‘Why do you look different than the other mommies?’ I remember that moment, and that same weekend, I went to a school event and couldn’t physically sit in any of the chairs. To really get to a healthy state, I had to change everything.”

And that’s exactly what Jamie did. She started weight loss challenges at her company, joined a Pilates studio, and used other popular programs to help her weight loss success. She continued to lose weight, but eventually realized that what she ultimately needed was a long-term solution. “I’m a great dieter for a short period of time. I could say ‘Ok, I’m going to be on a diet for three months’ and kill it. But then it comes down to maintaining and sustaining it.”

That’s what brought Jamie to Metabolic Meals – and she’s loved her experience so far. She continues to build good habits by following three key principles:

1. Think Health First

Don’t waste time looking for the latest and greatest fad diet. Focus on eating real food with quality ingredients. That’s exactly what Jamie did – and why she’s enjoyed our meals so much. . “I think it’s a great program. The meals are great, the quality is great, it’s consistent every time and makes life so much easier.” Jamie’s main focus now is about sustainability and maintaining for the long-term and our meals have continued to help her find success. “Those other diets are fine for a limited time period, but I needed to figure out something to do to have a normal lifestyle.”

2. Establish A Routine

Consistency is key and that’s where Jamie’s found success using our meals. She’s established a normal schedule that she can stay disciplined to and follow. “I was able to transition to a normal routine! I bring my meals with me every day to Manhattan and it’s easy to sustain. One of my favorite meals is the Shredded BBQ Grass-Fed Beef with Bacon-Ranch Brussels Sprouts. Having meals at regular times can also help curb episodes of over eating because hunger pangs are better controlled.

3. Be Active

The benefits of exercise go well beyond burning calories. There’s also detoxification, balancing hormones, and improving your immune system. While often times health goals are weight related, physical activity can also improve your mood and increase your energy. And that’s what Jamie experienced as well. More recently, she has found a love of exercising through attending Orange Theory classes. “I love going to Orange Theory, it’s such a good challenge! When I started, I was a size 34 and I’m now a size 6. Plus, I love having the Cinnamon-Crunch Protein Oatmeal afterwards as my post workout meal!”

Since starting Metabolic Meals, Jamie has continued to lose weight and live a more balanced lifestyle and enjoys putting her own creative spin on the meals. “I love the pizzas for sure…I crisp them up and cut them into little triangles – the beef & pepperoni one is my favorite.” Additionally, she’s a big advocate of sharing her story to help others with their own struggles and finds the most success through community. “I’ve never really been shy about sharing my progress.  But I feel I’ve become someone that people can look to for being successful with weight loss, and I’m so proud of that. I’m finally at a point where I am authentically me and can share my story.”

Now, Jamie’s pursuing new goals. She still has an all-time target weight she’s working towards, but for her – it’s so much more than just a number on the scale. “When I was unhealthy, I never did anything. I just tried to blend. Now, my goal is not blend, to just be proud of who I am. To talk to as many people as I can, share my story, and teach my kids that being active and healthy is important.”

In total, Jamie has lost over 200 pounds. She’s focused on feeling good in her skin and radiating confidence. Her main priority is balance, and with each day, is enjoying her redefined and confident lifestyle.

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by Metabolic Meals