Athletic Performance

4 Outdoor Exercises to Boost Vitamin D

Unfortunately, vitamin D deficiencies are incredibly common. If you aren't getting enough of this necessary nutrient, you're at risk of developing serious health problems. While diet changes and supplements can help, regular sweat sessions outdoors are a great way to boost your vitamin D levels and decrease your risk of …

10 Ways to Raise Your HRV Score

Tracking HRV over time can be a useful tool in identifying imbalances in our autonomic nervous system (ANS), which regulates many aspects of our biology including all aspects of our cardiovascular system like blood pressure, heart rate, etc. High HRV is associated with better overall health, including greater cardiovascular health and less …

Heart rate variability can be tracked by wearable technology

See More Athletic Performance Posts

An NFL Strength Coach’s Top 10 Lower-Body Exercises

ARTICLE AT A GLANCE If you want to see results from any type of exercise or movement, it comes down to efficiency, mastery of the movement, progression, and commitment to the process. Whether your goal is to improve your lower or upper body, compound exercises put...

How to Train Right for Your Body Type

Your body type, genetics, and hormonal biosignature all factor in to your overall health and fitness. When you understand your body's inherent predispositions, you can tweak your diet and training routine to optimize strength, weight loss, and performance.

The Best Bench Press Tips for New PRs & Healthy Shoulders

The bench press is the king of upper body exercises. Whether your goal is to increase your strength, muscular development, or fat loss, the bench press should be a regular part of your routine. However, the range and diversity of the exercise also makes safety and form especially important. Learn …

10 Scientific Ways to Drive Up Testosterone Levels

ARTICLE AT A GLANCE Men today have lower testosterone levels than their fathers and grandfathers did at the same age. This is a scary thought, considering that higher testosterone levels are necessary for optimizing athletic performance, maximizing results from...

4 Things You Should Know About Interval Training

High-intensity interval training, aka HIIT, can help you burn fat and boost conditioning quickly and efficiently; in fact, most workouts clock in at 30 minutes or less. If you're new to high-intensity exercise, you might hold misconceptions that are keeping you from achieving your best results.

5 Expert Cardio Routines – No Treadmill Required

Cardiovascular exercise is important for strengthening our hearts, lungs, and circulatory function -- but despite cardio's benefits, many people don't enjoy it. If you're one of those people, break away from the treadmill and consider your options. In this blog, five fitness experts share their favorite ways to get cardio …

4 Tips to Enhance Your Competition-Day Nutrition

Whether you’re preparing for the big game or getting ready for your first 5K, the topic of competition-day nutrition is a polarizing one. There seems to be an old-school versus new-school battle around how to best approach the 24 hours surrounding a competition....

7 Diet Mistakes That Sabotage Your Performance

Endurance athletes need much more fuel than the average person. They need enough protein to fuel muscle tissue maintenance and recovery, as well as plenty of fat for brain, bone, and hormone health. They also need enough carbs to keep glycogen and energy stores full, the right number of calories …

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